Macaronesia Region Navigation Guide
The ebook that every sailor should read before embarking on one of the most exciting sailing journeys on our planet, where you will enjoy the Atlantic experience in its purest form

What are you going to learn with this ebook?
Route notes
Marine notes on the different anchoring areas so that you can plan your route in detail.
Expert tips
Advice from expert sailors in the area that will make your journey a much easier experience.
Meteorological information
Relevant weather information so you can start imagining how you will trim your sails.

Navigation notes for each of the mooring areas, nature of the different anchorages, dangers to navigation, and meteorological data.
Everything you need to know to get the most out of this 280-mile Atlantic navigation route in a remote location where the only inhabitants with whom you will share your experience will be birds and cetaceans.
Embark on a journey that will take you through
Madeira – Savage Islands – Desertas Islands – La Alegranza (Chinijo Archipelago)

The ebook that every sailor should read before embarking on a sailing trip across the Atlantic.
Ebook very useful to learn the basics for sailing safely in Madeira and the Canary Islands. Recommended reading!
Information that you can’t find online. I especially enjoyed the wind section and sail trimming. Worth the read!